Factions are the smallest organizations in the game. You can take cargo or passenger missions for them - or fight for / against them to affect their INFluence in a system.
The BGS takes the combined actions of both RNG and player activities and generates varying (generally economic) 'states' that each faction operate in for a period of time...The state affects security, prices of commodities - and the types of missions given
Power Play refers to 11 groups led by individual characters - who exert power and influence over a large number of systems. Cmdrs can work for / against powers - which generate 'merits' - above certaiin thresholds - you receive special benefits and access to special modules
R2C2 / Radiant Ruby Control Cooperative is not affiliated with Frontier Developments or Elite:Dangerous the video game.
All information is for entertainment and demystification of the Elite:Dangerous galaxy and gameplay loops
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